In an era of unprecedented digital acceleration, “Digital Worker Experiences in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” explores the process of reinventing, centralizing, reshaping and enhancing the organizational capability to flourish as this new age of commerce evolves.
During a time of rapid convergence of enabling technologies, increasing customer demands and evolving business ecosystems, rethinking the fundamentals of how a business creates new value through new ways of working is an absolute priority. Take a deep dive into 12 groundbreaking trends that will change the way you think about work, including:
These imminent organizational impacts will have profound effects on the business model and worker experience. As the universe of technologies continues to expand during this phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, working smarter and unlocking new value are essential.
For over 30 years, leading edge clients have come to Logical Design Solutions for our best-of-breed reputation. From the C-suite to front line operations, we create organizational strategies that enable new ways of working, connecting, and conducting business in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Read on as we present key perspectives gleaned from working with leading edge clients and digital natives over the past decade.